Critical Thinking (PYP042)

Course Catalog Description:

تم تصميم هذه الدورة لقيادة الطالب في رحلة تفكير وفهم أفضل. يغطي المساق مهارتين في التفكير مثل التفكير النقدي والإبداعي بالإضافة إلى مهارة اتخاذ القرار من أجل تدريب الطالب على التفكير الإبداعي والنقدي بطرق مفيدة للوصول إلى قرارات حكيمة وصحيحة وأفكار غير تقليدية لتحسين المستوى وتطويره. من تطوير الذات يتم تقديم هذه المهارات من خلال أسلوب تدريبي تعاوني فعال يساعد الطلاب على اكتساب هذه المهارات، وبناء شخصياتهم، وفرض القيم الأكاديمية والحياتية من خلال التدريبات العملية والمواقف الحياتية 

This course has been designed to lead student on a journey of thinking and better understanding. The course covers two thinking skills such as critical and creative thinking in addition to the skill of decision-making in order to train the student to think innovatively, critically in useful ways to reach wise and correct decisions and unconventional ideas to improve and develop the level of self-development These skills are delivered in a training effective cooperative method that help students to gain these skills, build up their personalities, and to enforcing the academic and life values through practical exercises and life situations 

Course Objectives:

Help students to develop the cognitive skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes necessary to enhance academic learning and personal growth.

  1. Train students on how to think creatively and critically to overcome problems with novel solutions and wisely decisions.
  2. Raise the level of self-confidence and have better communications.
  3. Develop the level of self-confidence and having better communications

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify the main features of creative and critical thinking.
  2. Recognize the importance of decision-making skills
  3. Reflect on the justification of their own assumptions, beliefs and values.
  4. Present insight into decision-making processes
  5. Demonstrate ways to think out of the box. Wisely and effectively
  6. Combine existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways

Required Material:

  • Electronic copy of student training manual (prepared by the PYP training team)
  • Some related YouTube and videos