Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why are classroom lectures important?
Classroom lectures are the main source of learning. Missing one class may put you away from understanding the next lesson. And being late in class will waste your lesson 

Q2. What is the DN-Grade?
It is a denial grade. Where you are denied from attending the exams. Obtaining the DN grade will also be a black mark in your file.
Q3. What is Unexcused Absence?
After 3 unexcused absences, you will be given a first warning. After 6 unexcused absences, you will be given a second warning. And after 8 unexcused absences, you will be awarded a DN-Grade. Warnings / DN information is posted every Sunday on the bulletin boards near your classrooms and in P-3.
Q4. Is it important to study from the TEXTBOOK?
 The textbook helps you clarify new concepts you get in the class lecture. You have to make a habit of reading the textbook examples, doing exercises with RED marks, where the solutions are given at the end.
Q5. How can my teacher be helpful to me?
Your teacher is the main source of help to make you understand the course. Interact with him during the class lecture. Make a habit of visiting his office for your course difficulties. Be respectful to him when you discuss your study problems or your exam results. Your teacher is like your advising friend. Pay attention to his advice.
Q6. What are office Hours?
There are certain hours specified by your teacher for you to discuss your difficulties on course material every day. If you did not find your teacher, there are several teachers to help you. Get advantage of this facility.
Q7. What is Class Work?

Classwork is based on Quizzes, Homework, RICITATION activities, your attention in class, and your class attendance.

Q8. What is the Evaluation policy?
The evaluation policy is as follows:
Classwork: 22%
Recitation: 3%
Homework: 5%
*Major Exam I:  20%
*Major Exam II: 20%
*Final Exam (comprehensive): 30%
Q9. What are the Consequences of Cheating?
You will be awarded a Zero if you cheat in a quiz. An 'F' Grade if cheating in the Exam. This Might cause you will be Dismissed from the University. 
Q10. What is a Letter Grade?
The letter Grades are A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, F. These are based on your all scores in classwork, Major Exams, and Final Exams. You have to make a good effort to get a good grade. Letter grade is given on your overall result during the term. Your class instructor cannot change your final grade.
Q11. What is the passing grade?
At least a 'D' grade in both MATH001 and Math002 or MATH012.
Q12. If I obtain a D+ or D grade, do I have to repeat the course?
NO, the pass mark for Math001, Math002, and MATH012 is D.
Q13. What is the Maximum Time for completion of PYP Program?
Three regular terms from the start of your 1st-time admission to PYP Program. You can make use of summer for an additional term. 
Q14. What is trigonometry?
Trigonometry is the study of how the sides and angles of a triangle are related to each other. 
Q15. When I'm given a 'word problem', where do I start?
Start by understanding what the problem is asking. What is the exact question you need to answer? Next, figure out what information you already know, and what you need to know to answer the question. While there is no ONE BEST way to solve word problems, first, it's important to understand what the problem is asking. What exactly is the question you need to answer? The next thing to do is to figure out what information you already know, and what you need to know to answer the question(s). Or you might want to rewrite the problem in your own words and work with that information. Next, you need to figure out how to get from the information you're given to the answer you want. What can you do with your given information? What other tools might you need? A different formula? It's a good idea to do the work one step at a time if it's a big problem, so you don't try to solve the whole thing at once. It's much easier to keep the pieces of the problem in order if you work this way, and much easier to avoid mistakes. It's important to check your work as you go, and, after you finish, to make sure you're getting results that make sense.
Q16. What is mathematics?
Math is changing. Since the computer revolution, a new image of the subject is gaining acceptance: the study of space-time patterns. Dynamic math is outpacing the static concepts established by the ancients. Presently the main branches are usually listed as: arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and dynamics (aka analysis). Sometimes logic, topology, chaos theory, and others, are listed as well. 
Q17. What is arithmetic?
Arithmetic is all about numbers, counting, order, etc. It is ancient but still evolving, albeit slowly, eg, finding more primes.
Q18. What is geometry?
Geometry is the study of spatial (static) patterns such as triangles, circles, cubes, pyramids, etc. This ancient branch of math is still evolving, eg, non-euclidean geometry, 1750, fractal geometry, 1972.
Q19. What is algebra?
Algebra is an extension of arithmetic dealing with the solution of equations. Geometric algebra is an intermediate step in which geometrical constructions are used to solve equations.
Q20. How have computers changed things?
Computers have radically changed the way math is done and taught, and new knowledge found.