Director's Message

Dear Prep Year Students,


I am the current Director of the Prep-Year Math Program. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our Program and KFUPM. I am excited that you are taking the time to utilize the information provided on the website. Our web team has spent a lot of time trying to gather information that you will hopefully find useful. Our Program consists of 15 powerful instructors in teaching Mathematics. The Program teaches over 2,000 students from all over the country each year. Our students are also recognized as one of the most prestigious student groups in the Kingdom. Obviously, I am a little biased, but I wholeheartedly agree with those statements. These students are the reason I come to work every day. I get to be their mentor, confidant, and problem solver but most importantly I get to be their friend. I truly work to make a difference in their education. One goal I have is for every student to find all useful resources to enhance their learning and build a solid base in mathematics that will help them in the future. Please feel free to explore our site and hope you find it useful. If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to call me at (013) 860-1636 or e-mail me.  I am awaiting any comments to develop and enhance our program

Thank You

Husam Sharqawi

Director, PYP Math Program, College Of General Studies