English Program

If KFUPM is a door to future success, the English language represents the hinges on which that door hangs. Sturdy hinges help the door swing wide open. The Preparatory English Program (PEP) is designed to help students achieve high English proficiency before beginning their Freshman year at KFUPM. Those students who arrive at KFUPM with proven high English proficiency as demonstrated with recent IELTS or TOEFL iBT test scores, gain exemption from PEP courses. All other students who join KFUPM are tested to measure their current level of English proficiency. Students with high proficiency in English may gain exemption from English courses through our internal testing process. All other students are placed into one of four courses designed to teach general English listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills.

PEP courses are designed on a continuum, ranging from pre-intermediate to upper-intermediate. The curriculum is designed to help students through the various stages of language learning necessary to reach the ultimate goal of language proficiency, regardless of the major they choose. The PEP is an Intensive, dynamic, fast-paced English language program that will push all students toward excellence in English. Our mission is to teach English and help all students become lifelong language learners and eventually master English as their second language.

For more information, please visit the PEP Page