Chairman’s Message

Dear Prep Year Students,

Welcome to the KFUPM community. As the Assistant Dean of the Preparatory Year program, I am thrilled to have you join us for this exciting and challenging journey.

The Preparatory Year Program is an important part of KFUPM’s mission in preparing the next generation of talented students who will be able to make a significant impact in the fields of engineering, science and technology.

Our goal is to provide you with the necessary knowledge, skills and support to excel in your academic and professional careers. The Preparatory Year Program is designed to help you adjust to the rigors of university-level studies, and to prepare you for the undergraduate program of your choice.

We understand that this transition can be difficult, but rest assured that our dedicated faculty and staff are here to support you every step of the way. We are committed to providing you with the best possible education and helping you to achieve your full potential.

In addition to your academic studies, I encourage you to take advantage of all the opportunities available to you on campus, including clubs, social, and cultural activities. These experiences will not only help you develop new skills, but also allow you to meet new people and create lasting friendships.

We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your academic and personal goals. I wish you all the best in your studies and your time at KFUPM. I am confident that you will gain valuable skills and knowledge that will serve you for a lifetime.

Thank You!
Dr. Almerbati Abdulrahman

Chairman, Prep Year Affairs, College Of General Studies